Best Essay Ideas And Topics For College Students

If a teacher hasn’t assigned you with the essay topic, you should create a topic on your own. It’s rather challenging, yet an interesting task. You should brainstorm ideas and then do research online. You should check whether you can find enough evidence to support your thesis statements.

If you are looking for essay topics to write about, check this article. Here you will find more than a hundred good essay topics that will help you to get a good grade.

Essay Topics by Category

There are a lot of different essay types. And as a college student, you should know the difference between controversial, informative, compare and contrast, narrative, and persuasive essay. This knowledge will allow you to choose the most suitable topic and write a custom college essay.

Argumentative Essay Topics

When writing an argumentative essay, it’s necessary to present at least three arguments and at least one counterargument. You should discuss the question thoroughly, and provide extensive evidence that supports your thesis statement.

Don’t choose the topics which seem to be too difficult for you. You should dedicate your essay to the subject you are familiar with. You may want to turn to technology and use some EdTech tools to do a quick research and determine what topic you have the most data for. Look through the following ideas for essays and choose the one you like the most:

  • What is the real impact of social media on teenagers?
  • What is the real impact of steroids on the health of female bodybuilders?
  • Why do Millennials decide to go vegan?
  • How social media influence the development of the fitness industry?
  • How does yoga help to ‘open the mind”?

Persuasive Essay Topics

A persuasive essay is a form of the argumentative essay. When writing a persuasive essay, do your best to make readers believe in your ideas and support your point of view. Conduct in-depth research and find irrefutable evidence.

If you want to get a high grade, try to select the most interesting essay topic that will also read unordinary. Be creative, and express your ideas clearly.

  • What is the real impact of social media on teenagers?
  • What is the real impact of steroids on the health of female Should parents provide financial support to adult children?
  • Why is space observation not a waste of national budget?
  • Does the government control over the ingredients used in dietary supplements production?
  • Should parents monitor the online behavior of their children?
  • Should marijuana be legal in all states?
  • Should airlines allow pets in the cabin?

Cause And Effect Essay Topics

If you write a cause and effect essay for the first time, it might be challenging for you to come up with a topic. Your task is to choose a specific subject, phenomena, or event that has influenced another subject, phenomena, or event.

In other words, you should pick variable X and variable Y and show how they depend on one from another. Take a look at the following essay topics suitable for cause and effect essays:

  • Will the legalization of recreational cannabis benefit the national economy?
  • What is the positive effect of home-cooked meals on the child’s health?
  • What is the effect of photoshopped photos and social media on body image?
  • What are the causes of technological advancements in Taiwan?
  • What is the effect of dietary supplements on sports performance?
  • How can a vegan diet affect child’ intellectual and physical development?

Narrative Essay Topics

When writing a narrative essay, you should tell a story about yourself or someone else. This type of essay should have characters, incidents, and dialogues. It should have the same structure as a standard 5-paragraph essay.

In contrast to other types of essays, a narrative essay is all about expressing your thoughts and ideas. In fact, it’s not necessary to use scientific studies and statistics to support your arguments. When you write an essay about your life, it’s okay to show your emotions and feelings.

  • Write about the best travel experience that has changed your life.
  • Explain how volunteering experience helped you to become a better person.
  • Write about your first driving experience. Describe your emotions.
  • Explain why it’s better to discuss your problems with your peers than with your parents.
  • Write about the best gift you have ever got. Explain its monetary, spiritual, and aesthetic value.
  • Describe how the perfect family looks like. Explain whether your family meets this description or not.
  • Write about the book that made you cry.
  • Explain what you will do if your best friend starts using drugs.
  • Do you have a talisman? Tell about its magic power.

Compare And Contrast Essay Topics

Do you want to write a great compare and contrast essay? Start by choosing an adequate topic. You should focus on two subjects that have a lot in common, but also have a few significant differences.

For instance, you can compare two wars, two movies, or two laws. Your thesis statement should look like this: “Object A and Object B have X and Y similar features, but they differ from each other by features W and Z.”

  • Frugality and greed: what is the difference?
  • WWI to WWII: what are the similarities in the causes, development, and outcomes of the wars?
  • Medical and recreational marijuana: the impact on society.
  • Meat-based diet and plant-based diet: what are the benefits of each diet?
  • Nursing home and home health care: which option is better for the elderly?

Informative Essay Topics

An informative essay is an academic paper which is usually dedicated to one particular object, famous person, historical event, or phenomenon. It teaches college students to present facts in chronological and logical order.

There are plenty of brilliant essay ideas for college students. Here are a few of them:

  • Gender inequity in developing countries.
  • The cyber risk for the financial sector in the era of digitalization.
  • Methods of improving education standards in Italian schools.
  • Steve Jobs and his leadership style.
  • The real importance of flight attendant training for passengers’ safety.
  • History of the automotive industry in India.
  • The original purpose of the Spanish Inquisition.
  • The importance of the international norms establishments for capital punishment.

Proposal Essay Topics

A proposal essay is a specific form of the argumentative essay. In contrast to standard argumentative essay, it requires to craft a proposal. It means that you should do in-depth research, analyze different facts, and offer an optimal solution.

A proposal essay is a college level assignment. It’s too complicated for middle school and high school students.

  • How can the U.S. government help graduates to repay their student loans?
  • How to motivate college students to participate in volunteering projects?
  • How can parents help their kids to break social media addiction?
  • Do teachers treat middle school students with disabilities well? What teachers can do to help every child in a class feel equal?
  • How to encourage New York residents to recycle at home?
  • How to encourage young parents to cook at home for their little children?

Controversial Essay Topics

A controversial essay is an argumentative essay, which discusses the issues that cause controversy in society. When you write this type of essays, be ready that your teacher may disagree with you.

Let’s imagine the following situation. You write an essay about the death penalty. You state that the death penalty is a cruel punishment. But your teacher believes that it is the perfect mean of punishment in the modern world.

So if you don’t provide comprehensive thesis statements, it’s highly unlikely that you will get a good grade. Try your best to find extensive evidence that explains why you have chosen this or that point of view. You will not change your teacher’s mind, but at least you will make him respect your standpoint.

  • Is the death penalty equal punishment for serial killers?
  • What are the pros and cons of sending parents to elderly nursing homes?
  • Muslim burqa: does it protects a woman from sexual harassment or violates the woman’s rights to dress the way she likes?
  • Why isn’t abortion considered as a woman’s right in more than 26 countries?
  • Religious perspective on human and animal cloning.
  • LGBTQ-affirming religious groups.
  • Does persecution of the Jews exist in the modern world?
  • The undervaluation of women’s work in developed and developing countries.
  • The problem of demand in combating sex trafficking.
  • The accessibility of pornography and its impact on human sexuality.

Essay Topics By Subject

When you choose a topic for writing an essay, make sure that it relates to the subject you study. Let’s say you study strategic management, and the teacher asks you to write a paper about a person, who inspires you.

It will be a great idea to write about Elon Musk or Mark Zuckerberg. And it will be a bad idea to dedicate your essay to Mila Kunis or Ernest Hemingway.

Take a look at the following essay topics by subjects.


  • Is higher education is still important?
  • Theoretical knowledge vs. practical experience. What really matters in the XXI century?
  • Does the government have control over college essay writing services used by college students?
  • Why are writing skills important for students?
  • Will online education replace classroom education in the nearest future?
  • How modern technologies help foreign language learners?
  • What is the best way to make notes: by hand or digitally?
  • In which way active listening skills can help to build a successful career?
  • How do “bad” students turn into successful entrepreneurs?


  • Should medical insurance be free for everyone?
  • How the use of recommendations given on health forums affect the health of the population?
  • The obesity rate among American adolescences is increasing. How to help teenagers to choose a healthier lifestyle?
  • Why mono diets don’t work in the long run and why it’s important to design a well-balanced menu?
  • Why do parents refuse to vaccinate their children? And how to help parents to make the right choice?
  • How to help students to cope with the stress in college?
  • Mental health awareness day and its importance.
  • How electronic medical records software boost the effectiveness of medical care?
  • Problems of sex education in developing countries.
  • Adolescence contraception and teen pregnancy.

Science and Technology

  • How can artificial intelligence humanize finance?
  • Will truck drivers and taxi drivers lose their jobs because of the growing number of self-driving cars?
  • Will Amazon Prime air drone delivery disrupt the future shipping labor forces?
  • How face-detection solutions help to solve the problem of identity theft?
  • Bionic arms. A new era of prosthetics.

Social Media

  • Why are young people addicted to social media?
  • Do social media ruin interpersonal communication?
  • Do social media cause depression?
  • How can social media be used to improve the studying process?
  • How to use LinkedIn to build a successful career?
  • Can online dating help to find real love?
  • What is the relationship between body dissatisfaction and social media in adolescent and young women?
  • How social media influencers affect online buying behavior?

College Life

  • Sexual harassment on college campuses. How to protect young women from abuse?
  • How to find a balance between work and study?
  • Why it’s a good idea to start your own business in college?
  • How to read more books?
  • How to stay fit at college?
  • Why it’s important to go to the parties even if you are an introvert?
  • How to make new friends in college?
  • What is time management? How to apply time management tactics to boost your productivity?
  • Do you agree with the statement that college is the best time of your life?
  • How to make sure that you will never regret about your new tattoo?
  • How to stay connected with your family, when you live far away?
  • What is more important: to keep a good relationship with old friends or make new acquaintances?


  • Every drop matters. Why it’s important to save water?
  • How to teach children to recycle?
  • Modern recycling. The newest methods and promising results.
  • Should the government ban the use of non-recyclable plastic?
  • The alternative energy sources of the future.
  • Is it possible to stop global warming?
  • How fast food wrapping and packaging affect health?
  • How to save the trees and keep the planet green for future generations?

Reaction Paper Topics: Travel

  • What is Couchsurfing and how it works?
  • Is it safe for young females to travel alone?
  • Why traveling is as the best money investment for a young, ambitious individual?
  • How social media inspire Millennials to travel more often?
  • What is the best way to travel the world: alone, with a boyfriend/girlfriend, or a small group of best friends?
  • What is the reason for the fast development of ecotourism?
  • Why it’s a good idea to visit the least developed countries?

Reflection Paper Topics: Art, Music, And Movie

  • How modern technologies help to monetize the art?
  • Art in the age of Instagram. How are modern artists bringing art to the masses?
  • Song lyrics with double meaning. Why do modern songs promote non-consensual sex?
  • Must an artist be hungry to create a real masterpiece?
  • What is eco-friendly art and which values it promotes?
  • How to reveal your hidden talent and become a famous artist?
  • Will opera be still popular in 100 years?
  • What makes Titanic a great movie?
  • How modern theatre differs from ancient Greek theatre?
  • What is the Mozart effect theory? Does the classic music boost brainpower?
  • Films about world social inequality. The artistic and educational perspective of the issue.

General Essay Topics

  • If you haven’t found a perfect essay topic yet, there are more options to choose from. Take a look at general essay topics for college students.
  • How did creators of The Simpsons predict the fire at Notre Dame and the presidency of Donald Trump?
  • What is the real impact of drugs on creativity? Did drugs help famous writers and artist to create their masterpieces?
  • Why is more important: talent or hard work and dedication?
  • How to find your one true calling?
  • How to deal with negative comments on social media?
  • Office job vs. a freelance career. How to choose between financial stability and freedom?
  • How to stay productive working under pressing deadline?
  • Why is networking skill important for building a successful career?
  • Why do people believe in magic?
  • The rise of 21st-century fascism.
  • Why it’s important to develop your personal brand?

Wrapping it up

Look through the English essay topics for college students and choose two or three of them. After that, surf the web and check whether you can find enough information to support thesis statements. Finally, select one topic and start working on the essay outline.

Keep in mind that you can also modify the topics in the way you like. Develop your essay writing skills, use your creativity, and you will become an A-grade student.

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